Wednesday, April 13, 2005

What a night!

Okay, so I posted that I'd be speaking to the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters' Guild
on the 12th. That was last night -- and here is a quick wrap up:

- I talk too fast. :-)
- I learned a lot for the next time I have to do this
- This guild has some seriously cool attributes, like an amazing location in a shiny new-looking community centre, and a really great, enthusiastic membership
- I saw my first finished Zigzag -- in saturated turquoise! Gorgeous.
- I got to see what Debbie New is working on, while it was still attached to the skein winder.

[insert sound of record needle being dragged across an unsuspecting 33rpm]

What? Debbie New? Yes. And Sally Melville. Both Canadian icons of knitting belong to this guild. And both were there last night. I didn't know this in advance, and that's probably good because I'd have been way too nervous to show up.

Instead, when Sally walked past me, I had a quiet but intense freak out witnessed only by Katherine WabiSabi [who is SO cute with short hair!] and guild exec Joy. They laughed as I tried to come to grips with having to speak to a group [my first since my quilt-guild executive days in the late 1990s] that included people I idolize.

I did calm down, though, and there was no fainting or swearing. There was hugging of said Canadian idols [snork], though. I hope the attendees had a good time. I sure did! [and I took lots of mental notes, so I'll be ready for the next time I do this -- May 20th in Mississauga!]

I need a nap now.