Thursday, September 15, 2005

away away away!

darling hub and i are taking care of ourselves. i can't remember when we last had a real vacation together. so we're off tomorrow for some happy time in the cape.

there will be knitting. there will be a little work, but not much. and there will be leisurely relaxing, reading, sleeping in and general vegetation.

to cap it off, i'll get to meet a whole bunch of really cool knitters on board a boat that sails around manhattan. go click on the link. i'll wait. i've just spoken to Helane who runs The Point and she's told me about the goody bags and the amazing things we can expect. she said that some of our readers have donated prizes for the charity auction benefitting Gilda's Club as whoever you are, i KISS you!

i won't be very web-connected for the next week or so, so if you don't hear from me, don't panic. i'm likely sitting in an adirondack chair by the canal with my feet up, working another row in summer tweed.

see you in a week and a bit. i'm bringing the camera. pictures upon my return.