Tuesday, September 20, 2005

car go boom, we're okay.

not the news i wanted to report. hub and i had a car accident yesterday. we're okay. the car rolled over and i hope none of you ever have to deal with that. we were out in moments, but that was probably the single scariest thing i've ever experienced.

the subaru forester saved our lives, we're sure of it. hub is freaked, but okay. a few cuts. i'm nicely bruised all over and my left foot decided it wanted a souvenir, so the doc had to dig a little glass and dirt out of it. that's what hurts most now. the insurance company is on the case.

anyway, that's all. we'll know in a few days if our car is fixable. supposedly the tow guys drove it to the yard [like i said, love that subaru]. we still plan to continue our trip on schedule. we're just not sure exactly how. probably a rental.



p.s. hub's just come back from the tow lot. the car was NOT driven there. it's bashed in on the passenger side (that'd be where i was) and the top (where the kayaks were). the doors won't open. still have to wait to see what the adjuster says. what did he rent to get us home? a subaru. that's all we're saying.