Friday, September 09, 2005

my weekend adventures

pre-weekend: spend hours tonight on Skype with Jillian for the book. [God bless Skype.]

Saturday: I'll be on a wee road trip with Ms Harlot! She's gonna be signing books at the Knitter's Fair at the Gemini Fibres booth. Her 2nd book, btw. Just like the one she showed me on Tuesday that I had to pass on to Steph before I sat down and read it all. If you're coming, line up early. There are only 32 copies to be had.

Me, I'll be browsing fiber, and hopefully playing with a few wheels if there are any to try. And if there's silk roving to be had, stand back.

Sunday: More book. Sigh. I will be so happy when this part of the process is complete. And so will Ms. J.