Friday, September 30, 2005

The Point/Knitty Cruise

There are so many, I had to upgrade my Flickr account to Pro to handle them all.

My favorite tactic: walk around the boat and shoot pictures of everyone and then chat 'em up. I got to meet the nicest people that way! Look how happy everyone is! People were knitting, eating, laughing, drinking and having a great time. Some sat upstairs where it was windy. Some liked it downstairs where it was more serene. Of course, that's where the cupcakes first showed up, so being downstairs was wise. :-)

We drank yummy Lorina French limonade and ate well, thanks to James Caterering. The salmon and the quiche? Oh, so good.

The auction was seriously fun. Lots of great books, some wonderful knitting bags including the Jordana Paige new messenger bag, and some killer sweaters formerly seen only in the pages of Vogue Knitting magazine. The original knitted samples. The hottest bidding was over the orange textured cover sweater and the Butterfly in Noro, donated by Kay [and knitted by her friend Heather]. It was a bit like a dressing room, with everyone trying on the sweaters to see if they suited them.

As soon as I learn what our total donation to Gilda's Club was, I'll put it here.

Anyway, lots of photos here. Thanks to Helane, John and everyone at The Pointfor such a great day!