Thursday, September 08, 2005

Rhinebeck. Is. Happening.

I've been quite proud to be a powerful enabler for my friends over the years. But no one I've ever met can equal the sheer enabling power of my new friend, Emma Jane. We had been acquainted a mere 10 minutes when somehow the topic of a girls' road trip to Rhinebeck came up, and Ms Emma just ran with it.

WE ARE GOING. Little newbie spinner me, I'll never spin [ha!] Stephannie, and Emma so far. There may be more. But here is the important thing:

WE ARE GOING TO RHINEBECK. Did I mention that? We are all ecstatic. We all need a van full of loud talk, music, knitting, spindling, your turn to drive, I need to pee, and food and beverages. 16 hours on the road. Too much fiber [there can never be too much fiber] and not enough time. We cannot wait.

I wonder how fast I could get one of those magnetic signs made up for the van. And no, I won't be pulling a Harlot and knitting a miraculous sweater in a month for the trip. Never mind. I get to play with wheels! Fiber! Sheep poking! Woo hoo!

I will bring the camera, promise.