Monday, September 26, 2005

we're home and we have company

We made it home safely in our rental. And we brought some new friends. [We couldn't bear the thought of going home to a silent house again.]

Despite the difference in size, they're sisters, born the same day. Harlequin mini rex girls, about 8 weeks old. Want more?

They're in their new cage, trying to calm down after their long ride home. They've eaten, they've bathed and now the big one [who seems to be the cuddlebun] is resting. The little one, we think, will be a terror. She seems to like standing in her water dish. Oy. Names have not yet been chosen.

They're not our Noot, but we know we'll come to love them for all their own qualities in time. We feel a little more like a family again.

Lots of updates to come including TONS of pics from the amazing cruise thrown by The Point. Now, we're sacked and need to just mellow for a while. And then, bed. Ahhhh.