Tuesday, October 11, 2005

because Elizabeth asked

This is where we were married. Their own website is under construction now, so that's not much help. But it's an amazing, charming, beautiful place, perfect for our small hybrid wedding. You could just trust me on this one.


In a fit of delayed domestication, I ran out yesterday at 3:45 pm, bought two chicken breasts, a bag of fresh cranberries, a pack of Swiss Chalet gravy mix, some chestnuts and came home and made dinner. We were missing any sort of green vegetable, but in our house, that's often the case [laziness, not preference]. So yes, we had a thanksgiving dinner of sorts. Hub was amused. I haven't cooked much of anything in a while.

I also spent the weekend trying to get the monkey which is the 2nd book off my back. When this baby is done and off to the printer, I will be the happiest girl east of Ann Arbor. Jillian gets everything west.


Knitting? Yes. Brilliant Summer Tweed continues to slip through my fingers, over my addis. I have never been so grateful for metal needles in my life. NO, it won't be done in time for Rhinebeck. Rhinebeck? Yes! THIS FRIDAY!

I am busting with excitement, people. I canna wait.