Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Life and Canadian boots.

I used to go really mental for boxing day sales [day-after-xmas sales, for you yanks]. But I haven't for years.

Except this year, I found myself at three shops on the 27th, when discounts were flowing like watah, I tell you, and I kind of lost my mind.

Item one: an insane, but very useful, indulgence. YES, I have perfectly good-but-ugly winter boots. But they're not cute and they definitely don't have red elastic gores with a maple leaf on them and "eh!" on the pull tab, like my new Blundstones do. Because I bought last year's style [without the cute toe cap], they were only $99. I can't rationalize paying $80 extra for a toe cap. These "eh boots" [should you be searching for them] also have great winter treads. The warmth will have to come from the appropriate sock. I <3 them.

I also added more undyed silk hankies to my stash, plus a little pack of dyed hankies by Treenway Silks. And a new Beach sweatshirt [locals will understand], half off.

I'm stopping now.


p.s. I'll post the picture later, but it's really kinda scary around here. Squeeze is building a nest. Boeing is just restless, but Squeeze is collecting bits of newspaper and obsessively creating a little warm home for the babies she'll never have. My poor bunnies! 6 days to the spay.