Sunday, February 26, 2006


The little ball shows how much was left from 750 yards of Silken.

I know you can't see detail. Sorry -- this one's going in a book, so this is the best I can do.

But I'm really happy with it. The shape is a little different than most shawls I've seen, which is due to the increase frequency [and intentional]. I did a lot of swatching before I was ready to start and a lot of testing on stretchy bind-offs before I could finish. What makes me happiest is that I now know I need to stop at least a half repeat sooner [you can do that with this pattern] so knitters following the pattern don't have a heart attack and think they'll run out of yarn. Like I did. :-)

Yes, I have to knit another. This one's just for me and the Tuscany class. The one for the book will be identical, minus one half repeat, and in a more tone-on-tone colorway, which will photograph better.

Thanks so much to Stephanie Harlot for this brilliant idea. I've had a blast! And congrats to all Olympians, medallists or not, for participating. I'm so proud of us...knitting made all the newspapers! TV! And we all stretched to achieve something we found challenging. That's very cool.

Now, I'm going to meet the rest of Team Canada for a few drinks. ;-)