Wednesday, February 15, 2006

first Olympic scare

Last night, Olympic knitting continued at a good pace [approximately 10 minutes per row] and a full repeat was completed.

As Amy began the next repeat, she found herself short two full stitches in one section, and realized her error. Missing yarn overs. 6 rows back.

Amy, reckless Olympic knitter, had been knitting lace without a lifeline.

She did what she had to. Untwisted the tips from her Denise circs and slid the shawl-in-progress AND all the stitch markers off the cord. What followed was a flurry of ripping, back row after row, until a safe row appeared. She picked up every stitch from the wrong side, leaving the markers for later. Some stitches were picked up as pre-ladders, to be properly re-woven when she got to them.

It was quite a spectacle. The rabbits were speechless.

About 20 minutes before the end of House [she'd worn out her Olympic viewing earlier that evening with the brilliant Silver-medal win and broken pole recovery in Cross-country skiing], she began to knit the picked-up row. And when she got to the bad repeat with the 2 missing stitches, she was able to find where they should go, picked them up and finished the row.

Amy and her coach [Dr. Steph] are confident that Amy can continue in the event without any further disruption. If she pays better attention to what she's doing, that is.