Wednesday, February 08, 2006


All week, I've thought it was a day ahead of what it actually is. So this morning, when I heard hub unloading the dishwasher [I usually do that], I thought maybe HE thought it was Thursday and was getting ready for our bi-monthly extravagance, the housekeeper.

He wasn't. He was just unloading the dishwasher.

Then the housekeeper walked up the drive. She thought it was Thursday.

I have no explanation for this.

[Poor housekeeper had to drive all the way back home, cause her Wednesday client is right near her house.]

Similarly freakish: I told hub ages ago [like last year?] that J Strizzy, who I met on the NY boat cruise, was going to be on Jeopardy. The last night she was on TV [last week] as hub was falling to sleep, he started singing the Jeopardy theme song. Out of the blue. I hadn't mentioned her to him in months. We don't watch Jeopardy [in fact, I missed Ms Strizzy's appearance altogether, because we're so not tuned into to Alex Trebek's daily doings]. I only knew she was on the show cause I read her blog. I can't explain that either.

Spooky things like this happen to us all the time.

I am *still* waffling on what to knit for the Olympics. I have a brilliant idea, but it involves the participation of people in another country, and I'm not sure it'll happen.

If it does, you'll know when I do, because there will be joyous shouting in a bloggy manner. With pictures, even.