Monday, February 27, 2006

Team Canada's closing ceremonies

Wannietta and her unbelievable Flirty Ruffles. In 16 days. We saw her cast on at the Duke...she really did it.

The Harlot arrives with Mr Ken and his fabulous FO! Notice that hers is still inside-out, unfinished, next to the Caesar on the table. But not for long!

Stephanie admires Ken's finished Durrow. [Is THAT what you call it?]

Seriously, Ken -- it's gorgeous. Bravo!

Simone [that is you, yes?] shows off her finished Wavy. The dude in the black t-shirt in the back either was with knitters or just had an appreciation for them. He was quite interested in all the FOs.

Look at this gorgeous Diamond Fantasy Shawl! And the gorgeous knitter in it!

David continues work on his [soon completed] sock.

The only picture I took of Jenna that she'll let me show you. Bug her. The other one is AMAZING. [p.s. that's Banff on her lap, the original.]

This is when Stephanie was so close to the end, she could taste it.
I'll just let the next few photos speak for themselves.

Let's be clear on this: the shirt Erin's wearing [that's Stephanie's sister] says what you think it says. Stephanie gave it to her. It's a joke. We all knew it and were amused. But poor Erin got pounced on by some customers at her restaurant last week who didn't get it, so she was a little sensitive.

P.S. The place we're partying at is Erin's restaurant. And Erin makes a really, REALLY good burger. I'm going back.

We ducked out in the middle of the afternoon for a quick Romni run. Someone [that'd be me] didn't bring enough yarn to finish her Dulaan hat. This clever woman was part of the group that scooped the Fleece Artist bin nearly dry!

Then Denny arrived!

With the torch! How can you not love Denny? It's not possible.

Finally, a team shot. Team Canada 2006. Valiant knitters, serious drinkers.
I'm proud to know you.