Friday, February 10, 2006

Team FO is born!

Thanks to circumstances and a push from Jackie, I realized that there are a bunch of us who, for whatever reason, will be FINISHING something as our goal for the Knitting Olympics.

If you're one of us, please join Team FO.

And of course, feel free to take the button.

I spoke to the Harlot last week, and we talked about the reason for these Olympics that she's created. [Bless her.] We agreed that it's about challenging yourself to be a better knitter, whatever that means for YOU. I don't think she'd disallow anyone from claiming their gold medal just because THEIR challenge happened to be finishing one [or more] projects that don't seem to want to be finished.

So there. Put the guilt away. This is about knitting, dammit. There should be no guilt in knitting.

Let the games begin!