Thursday, February 16, 2006

there ARE do-overs in the Knitting olympics!

Can you imagine Emmanuel Sandhu saying, "hang on -- I just tripped over my skate lace. Let me go back and fix that."

Well, he could if he were in OUR olympics. And man, am I glad there ARE do-overs. Cause that's all I've been doing for the last two days.

The ripping back of the last post? I ripped that back, too. There were two big honkin holes in my work, and even though this is lace, these holes weren't in the right places. I am insanely forgiving of mistakes, if they don't show [or don't show unless you look really, really hard] but these two were glaring and ugly.

So I pulled out my Ott-Lite [that's the true-color lamp I got for quiltilng], sat down and made it all better.

It's fixed now. The right number of stitches are between every marker and my yarn is strong enough to go on.

I love my yarn [Handmaiden Silken, but you knew that, no?].


In non-athletic news, we had a nice dose of freezing rain this afternoon and I went skiing on a bad patch of sidewalk. I expect a really charming bruise to make an appearance tomorrow.

And you wonder why I don't *really* ski?


P.S. Are you loving the new sports this year? Team cross-country skiing races [the cool one where Canada won a silver medal], Snowboarders rushing down a hill side by side [SO COOL] and the team long-track speed skating events. Love them all. I don't necessarily think the olympics need improving, but these plus Skeleton [in-sane!] are all totally goodness and make for great tv watching. And knitting.