Thursday, March 30, 2006

the great fishy lie

So it's a beautiful day out today -- spring-verging-on-summer weather, at least for the next few hours. That means a walk at lunch, so out I went.

I stopped into Orvis, because it's the kind of place that fascinates me. I don't care for fishing [though both my grandfathers loved it] and it's not the flies. It's the little gear boxes they have. I found something I couldn't live without and went to the cash to pay.

As I'm standing at the front, waiting for the Interac [debit machine] to do its thing, I can't help but overhear the conversation of the three guys next to me. Couldn't help it, cause they started talking quite loudly. Nearly shouting at the end. About what? About when it was legal to fish for trout in this province. The guy behind the counter was certain of his facts, and the others were just not having any of it.

I looked at the other guy behind the counter as he gave me my receipt and said, "I thought fishing was supposed to be relaxing."

I'm sticking with knitting. [and no, the thing I got in Orvis wasn't the thing I was looking for. search continues.]