Monday, March 27, 2006

Now it's your turn

Don't be shy. :-)
Send Me A Message
You don't need an Odeo account to do this [so they tell me]. Just a computer with a microphone. Come on. You know you wanna.
First in, Mary-Kay from San Diego! She's having a blast dyeing silk hankies, she sez.
Next: Courtney from Iowa, who absolutely can wear a CanKnittyAn shirt if she wants to [she asked]. Dang it, anyone who wants can wear it. If I could find a similarly adorable US-related pun, I'd do one of those up too. Mazel tov on the crochet and yes -- I wish I had a Target close by. Instead, I fulfill my Target needs every time I visit Jillian.

this is fun! who's next?