Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Things I have done since Saturday morning

- confirmed that hub and I *are* going to Tuscany in April
- found a way to see the folks, the week before, for Passover [hint: Amtrak + Jillian = good times] and booked tickets
- tried a new litter system for the amazing poop-producing bunnies, with reasonable success
- wrote a lot of e-mails about a lot of stuff, mostly knitting/business related
- dreamed my little dreamy dreams of my knittish future
- finished listening to "Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil" on my iPod [yes, I *am* the last person in the universe to have pseudo-read this book]
- started listening to the Martha Rules on my iPod
- started panicking about all the stuff I'm not doing that Martha thinks I should be doing
- felt good about much of the stuff she told me to do that I'm doing already, and have been for quite a while

Stuff I need to do before this Saturday morning:
- finish the pinwheel blanket that doesn't want to be finished. dear lord, this thing feels huge, even if I still need to keep knitting the thing. time to switch to the Addis, i think. I need me some SLIDING.
- get a big care package sent off to Libby tonight for No Sheep
- do so much other No Sheep stuff that there's no way I even want to list it all here, but it's a lot, trust me
- book the tickets to Tuscany [eeeeeee!]
- make reservations for poop-factory bunnies at the Bunny Spa for while we're gone
- spring Knitty up the ying-yang
- calm down a little
