Tuesday, April 11, 2006

crazy crazy!

Okay, y'all -- I'm off this afternoon to the land of matzoh and haroset for some long-overdue shmoozing with the fam. My mom is now full-time do-what-she-pleases [lucky her!], so this will be a nice change. We can sit about with no rushing and no 4000 e-mails and voice messages for her to respond to.

I expect there will be knitting. I will insist on it. :-) I'm bringing my Silk Spun Moebius-in-progress* [aka mindless knitting] and the first ball of three for the Tuscany shawl [v2] that I need to knit for the photoshoot for the book. That should be enough to keep me busy.

I'm also bringing the laptop, cause i have a website to build for Big Girls [which will be in stores A WEEK TODAY, people!] and some work to do for No Sheep. Vacation, eh?

One of the best things about visiting my family is that, somehow, Jillian managed to move herself exactly halfway between where we live and where my parents live. This means that I get to see her, her hub AND her boodles [who call me Auntie Amy :-)] too. I love that.

We're back in a few days, home for a few, and then off again for Tuscany. Hub and I still just look at each other when we say, "when we're in Italy..." Crazy!

* Full credit to Denny, who cast on this moebius for me and knit the first [most annoying] row. I begged her to do it at the Duke [after my two failed attempts due to my inability to concentrate in such surroundings] and she did. How she can focus on such fiddly stuff with all that food and noise and stimulation going on is beyond me. Thank you, Denny!