Sunday, April 09, 2006

A little Duke diversion

Photos and camera courtesy K herself!

Jen and beverage, Megan and dinner, Denny just being Denny.

Just can't get enough of that Denny. Silent K is knitting in the background.

Annie made it! Yay! I finally got to see her knit and Jenna -- you knit the same way.

This is Denny trying -- no kidding -- to cram herself in a suitcase so she could come with me to Tuscany. She's tiny, but she didn't fit. Oh well. I will just have to buy her yarn.

We had fun, but we didn't feel the Duke love for a 2nd month in a row. We're thinking they really don't want us there hogging tables and buying food and beer any more. Weird, eh? Beerman Dave clearly would disagree, but he was just visiting us last night. Jen has photographic evidence, if she ever blogs it. Dave, we love you.

So we're on the prowl for a new centrally located place with food, beverage and room for about 20-30 of us. And enough light to knit by. Suggestions welcome. [Central means on the subway line, nearish Yonge St. since we all come from different parts of town.]


Also, as I slog through the last bit of Knitty production, big props to the following:
- Yehuda matzohs [the Singer family favorite]
- Daiter's chopped liver (chicken, of course)
- Patty Griffin, Patty Larkin, Rickie Lee Jones and Gillian Welch

And now, my friends, I'm going out for a walk. It's beauty out there.