Thursday, June 15, 2006


Oh, I brought a camera to TNNA with me. A little one, and I always had it nearby. Did I use it? No. But another very clever girl did, while managing to stay within show rules [no pics on the show floor, but I think you're allowed to snap at the booth of your own publisher], and you can see the results here at Ann & Kay's blog. Scroll down.

Ann put sparkly lines and hearts around my head. That makes me so warmfuzzy I can't even express it in words.

Seeing Ann and Kay again was one of the big happinesses of the show for me. I was easy to spot on the 2nd day, wearing my bright-pink I'm-copying-Kay jacket. I made Kay giggle.

Meanwhile, last night was spent celebrating the Harlot's birthday at Lettuce Knit. It's never a hardship to celebrate anything with Stephanie, and this time was no exception. Food and beverage was abundant, as was yarn at [an impromptu sale] 20% off. Yes, I brought home sea silk. You blame me? Two last skeins for the road, so to speak. I can't even describe the colorway. It's just that gorgeous.

In fact, while I was inside choosing my colors, with Denny waving both skeins about wildly, quoting E. Zimmermann regarding color-matching skeins and something about being on a horse, it was raining outside. I missed that. But when I came back out into the cool evening, there was a double rainbow in the sky. A double rainbow. Rainbow enough for all of us. I'm big on the good omens.

And a final thing, mostly for Jen. Transit in this city can be handy, but sometimes you're three transfers away from where you want to be. Last night, we got on the College car to head east even though most of us live closer to Queen, and within a few blocks, he went out of service. Changed his sign to Neville Park [wait -- that's along Queen, where we wanted to go in the first place!], fiddled with the track in the road and headed south. Dang! We could have stayed on the car and gotten way closer to home, no transfers. But he was already half a block away.

Then the power cable somehow disconnected itself, and the driver had to come out to re-engage it, giving us time to catch up and cruise in an empty car down McCaul and over to Queen and all the way home. A chauffeur-driven streetcar.

Like I say, rainbow enough for all of us.