Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Team Knitty rides again

Last year, Team Knitty continued our tradition of fundraising to help fight breast cancer...we raised more than $6100, thanks to contributions from our readers and friends.

It's time to do it again! The walk takes place October 1, 2006, in Toronto and there will be at least 10 of us fundraising and walking/running to do what we can to help!

How can you help? Simple. Visit this page and make whatever donation you can. You're donating in Canadian dollars, so US residents...your money goes even further! Canadian residents will get a tax receipt by e-mail -- just request it when you fill out the donation form.

The donation page is on the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's own secure server and they accept credit card payments. [Sorry, no Paypal. Last year I set it up and we got a lot of single-dollar donations that Paypal took a HUGE chunk out of. It's just not right. I'd rather the money get donated to the charity, not to Paypal. :-)]

If you hate credit cards and really want to donate, here's a suggestion: send a check/cheque, payable to "Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation" to this address:
2255b Queen St E
Box 527
Toronto, ON
M4E 1G3

I'll take all the checks/cheques that come in and make sure they get directly deposited to the charity at CIBC [that's the designated bank for this event]. No fees to third parties and all your money goes directly to the charity.

Let's hope this year is the last year we have to do this...please be generous!

Thank you for your support.
Amy & Team Knitty