Tuesday, June 13, 2006

what a crazy 2 days!

- leave day job early
- catch plane to detroit
- meet Jillian [<3] in baggage claim, personally deliver her birthday presents, hug and brainstorm for an hour
- back through security and off to indy
- in bed by 11:30pm

- up at 7
- breakfast with em, nathania and lauren
- walk the floor
- shake hands? are you kidding? HUGS! it's like a reunion! so cool!
- signing for Big Girl Knits at the Potter booth, without Jillian [:-(], but despite her absence, it goes well. It's always fun when the big boss at your publishing company is the one that opens the books to the signing page for you.
- met Stef, aforementioned amazon
- more hugs
- more floor walking
- rinse and repeat
- dinner at shapiro's with two cool yarn company honchos. more food than can be eaten by the three of us. when you order corned beef and cabbage there, you get HALF A HEAD OF CABBAGE and 2 lbs of corned beef. seriously. and they were out of hoosier mud pie. dammit.
- bed

- breakfast with shannon
- more floor walking, flesh pressing and lots of hugging
- cupcakes at Interweave to celebrate the new Knitscene
- dashing out the door with clara to make our 5pm[ish] planes
- bed

I met a lot of amazing people again this time. Added to my life list:
- Lucy Neatby
- Leigh Radford
- Kristin Nicholas [have you seen her blog?]
- Norah Gaughan
- Melanie Falick
- Trisha Malcolm [who actually wore her "i <3 knitty" button -- and I put on an "as seen in Vogue Knitting" button to reciprocate]

I believe it was at the moment she put the Knitty button on that my brain exploded.

Saw very little of Indy itself. So many people to meet, talk to, learn from. But mostly, mission accomplished and I'm officially pencilling in all future TNNA shows from now on.