Friday, July 07, 2006

gifts from friends

So I mentioned yesterday that I'd gotten some sweet gifts to celebrate the leap. Time to share! Hugs to Jean-Anne for the yummy ball of chocolate organic cotton and to Sophie for the sweet bunny card!

Yes, that's gorgeous Cosmicpluto yarn, hand dyed and spun by Laura herself. When she handed me the bag, I hoped there'd be handspun in it [Laura's handspun is legendary in this town, and beyond], but who could know it would be this gorgeous?

It's soft and gorgeous and all for me!

The best? The colorway is called "leap". How could you not love that? I hugged Laura a lot that night.

I checked her Etsy shop, and there's lots of gorgeous stuff there, but nothing like this one. I have a gut feeling, though, that if you wrote her, she just might make you one too. I'm not sure what my skein will become, but it's 300+ yards of yumminess and just thinking about the possibilities makes me very warm and fuzzy.

Speaking of warm and fuzzy, there was another gifty -- this time from Lettuce Knit's Owner-Megan. I am a bag ho™, and I think that's no secret. So when I saw the bag tree at the new shop loaded up with some new bags, I was in love. Look at the one Megan gave me!

Yes, that's vintage barkcloth you're seeing.

This bag is modelled after one that Megan saw and loved -- a little tiny slip of a bag, perfect for sock or swatch knitting [I'm doing a lot of swatch knitting for No Sheep lately]. It's got a big center area that closes easily with a drawstring, and two pockets, one on each side.

Megan sold out of the bags in just an hour or so that night. But she assures me there will be more soon. They're making them themselves on a vintage sewing machine, out of all sorts of different barkcloths.

One of the things I loved first about Lettuce Knit, besides Megan's huge smile and warm hugs, is her appreciation for all things vintage. For heaven's sake -- she uses a cool old wooden ironing board as a check-out counter. How could you not love that? So I'm really glad to see her expanding her offerings like this.

Thank you Megan, Laura, Sophie and Jean-Anne! You guys spoil me.