Thursday, July 20, 2006

Jane says it very well

Jane Brocket's blog has been a delight to read since I found it a few months ago. Today's it's also educational.

I have very strong feelings on the subject of her post today -- as anyone who frequents the Knitty Coffeeshop knows. I am in complete, 100% agreement with the kind Ms Brocket. And so I'll just let Jane say it for me, since she's done it so well. [click on the excerpt to read her whole blog post, which is absolutely worth reading.]

"Now I am passionate about freedom of speech, and I am concerned about how it can be used in blogs and blogging. We all know that freedom of speech can be used to create or to destroy. If misapplied, freedom of speech becomes a freedom to undermine, to critcise, to make simplistic, vacuous and judgmental comments which deaden the energy and life of creative blogs.

If used in a thoughtful, constructive, positive manner, freedom of speech on blogs can contribute enormously to, and sustain, the fluidity of creativity, the exchange of ideas, the liveliness which keeps crafty blogs alive and ever-changing."

Our parents [hopefully] taught us manners when we were younger. Now that we have a new way of expressing ourselves on this series of tubes we call the internets, why should we forget good manners?