Sunday, July 09, 2006

knitting again

And not just No Sheep swatches, either. Whee! I'm doing a lace thingy for the 2nd Big Girls book and I pulled out the yarn [hint] and started swatching. Found the perfect pattern on the 2nd try. I love that.

I also had to remind myself, once again, that it's okay to use stitch markers for a 6-stitch repeat. Some people don't need 'em. Not me, and it's...okay. Stitch markers are not a crutch, they're an enabler.

The office purge/tidy continues and will for several days at least. There's just too much to get through on my own, all at once, without Hellen Buttigieg and her crew. I wonder how much a professional organizer charges? Instead, I watch her show, suck up a little inspiration and then go attack.

Also, viva Italia! That is all.