Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Still here. How about you?

I forgot. I write better sitting at Starbucks. I can't explain it, but that's where the words just come out, in good quantity, and mostly in the right order, too. Today, they had some kind of Rolling Stones thingy playing, and that didn't hurt one bit, even if Mick did sound a bit old. Ain't we all?

Beverage of choice this season: the Pomegranate frappuccino, which really is just juice and tea and ice in a blender, but it makes me happy.

Meanwhile, Steph had a good idea that I want to roll out bigger. Let's turn the Toronto Drunken Knitters' Nights into swap nights as well. So if you have knitting stuff that you will never use -- books, yarn, needles, whatever -- bring it! We'll swap each month. If someone wants to take this up and actually organize it, that's cool with me. I just think it'll be a nice way to recycle with no pressure.

Next night (they're always the 2nd Friday of the month) is August 11th, at the Spotted Dick. See you there!

I'm going back to research more stuff. About things. And stuff.

queen of vague