Thursday, July 06, 2006

THAT was fun.

The party was last night at the new Lettuce Knit location, just a few doors left of the old location. But so very, very much nicer! Look!

Steps to congregate on, double doors that open wide to welcome you, twice the space inside and...a bathroom!

Lots of people came, and so I now present to you a wee recollection of the evening in photos. Please enjoy.

Knitters abound!

Hola, Maria!

Stephanie, Leslie and Denny

Happy LK shoppers heading home with their yarn before Denny could steal it from them. [she was on a bit of a yarn-stealing thingy last night. We blame the strongbow.]

Look how big the new store is! Two rooms!

mmm...silken straw. yummy. moon socks that rock. yummy.

cake one from hub: it's a "congratulations for graduating proofreader university" cake for me. notice the intentional typos.

cake two from hub: because he saw a soccer cake and couldn't leave without it. it says "knitaly" and somehow it was very appropriate. Owner-Megan's little boy inherited most of the little soccer dudes on it.

laura loves to wind yarn.

shop atmosphere.

silk and more silk. mmm.

Owner-Megan hard at work.

Denny with Strongbow. I rest my case.

Jen and Denny

Stephanie knitting some lacy stuff

Filling out little slips of paper to win the cool stuff I got to give out

We took over the sidewalk.

Look at Leslie's haul from mini mills. We were all drooling.

And finally -- yes, with her permission -- I post this movie. A little panorama of the evening when people were sitting and knitting. The first one to say hi is non-owner Megan [there are 2 Megans at Lettuce Knit, see]. The lady in pink is Tamarah and she was in love with my Lexie Barnes bag. The best bit is at the end. This is what happens when Jen thinks a still camera is pointed at her. The innocent victim is Joyce. Rachel H is the one providing commentary on the right.

I love Jen.

Thanks to everyone for coming, to Megan and Lettuce Knit for hosting, to hub for the cakes, to Denny for the extra entertainment, to Maria for forgetting her soccer whistle, to Jen for just being Jen, to Tanya for the champagne-like substance that made me a blithering drunk after two sips, to those who wanted to come but couldn't, and to the whole damn world. I love you all. [hic]

Seriously, though, it was a really great night and I got to meet a whole bunch of new people and had some great conversations. Thank you everyone. [I also got a couple of sweet gifties last night. I'll blog those later. :-)]

I will now get back to work.