Thursday, August 17, 2006

calling all GTA knitoids

This Friday, we will follow Queen Denny of the serpents to a showing of THE FILM.

Denny was not actually present at the time these plans were made, but her loyal subjects feel certain that she will make herself available for this event. This Friday night...we're still waiting for showtimes to be announced. Denny, speak and let your minions know when we should assemble at the Alliance theater in the Beach! [Other more central locations were discussed and dismissed due to serious deliquent potential for annoyance and knitting disruption.]

The group requests we all bring knitting and headlamps if available. All are welcome to join us, spouses included, once Denny has made her proclamation and we know which showing we're actually going to.

Okay, the 7:30 show tomorrow night? If we're all agreed, I'd recommend we get our tickets in advance (they'll sell them early), meet at the pub across the street [it's called Murphy's Law] at, say 6pm, have a pint and a nibble, maybe, and then go over together. Everyone in?

I've got snakes!!! [for the love of pete and anyone like pete, click the link.]