Thursday, August 10, 2006

Meet chapter 2.

Stephanie had a suggestion for what to put in the still half-empty chapter 2 of No Sheep: a really nice photo of the lacewings shawl, with the caption "Silk good."

Stephanie is smart.

As you can see, knitting continues. Writing was on hold this morning while my beloved editor was checking into something for me. Looks like I can continue.

Meanwhile, last night at Lettuce Knit was a freaking blast. We had a massive hoot, got to see Emma's formerly sweater-for-two sized down to fit just her [there was appropriate cheering], and talked and laughed until it was time to go home.

I never had the energy to do anything after work when I had the day job. It kinda sucked the life out of me. Getting to hang out with these crazy people once a week is a real privilege.

Also, I bought two skeins of Louet linen in crabapple blossom for the Mason-Dixon bubbly curtain. I will, however, not be casting on for it until the seasilk shawl is done. Something tells me the curtain would be kickass Rhinebeck-road-trip knitting. If I can wait that long.