Wednesday, August 30, 2006

what i've been doooooing

Okay, who's gonna guess what this is going to become? Hints in the previous post. Except I've gone a little Bliss with this version because, as Jillian reminds me, garter stitch ain't the friend of the Big Girl. Where's the i-cord edging? It was pulling the fabric inwards too much, making the piece too small, but i DID do the recommended swatch and think it's a kickass technique. Just not in thick/thin cotton yarn.

The yarn, btw, is Araucania Nature Cotton in periwinkle, a color my camera refuses to photograph as anything but blue. So a little photoshop has been used to get in the right ballpark. [I probably set something in Italy when i was reading the manual all the time and now i have to figure out how to set it back!]


News! Going to Rhinebeck? Jillian and I are going to be hanging with the cool Morehouse Merino people at their store from 6-8pm on Saturday night. Come see us! Fondle the merino on my behalf!


More news: Are you in Calgary or vicinity? Are you a Big Girl knitter? Get ready for the event of the century the weekend of November 10th. Details to come. You will plotz, I'm telling you.


Okay, enough with the news. I've got work to do and a full cup of espresso + milk at my side, so I'm gonna go do it!