Wednesday, September 20, 2006

proof! and tardiness

Proof I saw Kay...she gave me one of her wee mitered square stitch markers. I like it too much to only use it once in a while, so it's on my phone.

Proof I can still shop: though I didn't buy much this trip, I did make it back to Pylones to get this wee mirror for my purse. I've wanted it since last year when Jillian and I went there.

Proof I'm still knitting. I can't show you the other thing I took on my NY trip [it's for BGK2], but this was that little bit of moss stitch I showed a while ago. No one guessed, so I tell: it's the moebius vest from Knitting Around. I've got Zimmermania too! Half done, half to go. It's my Rhinebeck vest. :-) Which should be interesting, since I have to finish the BGK2 project asap. Love a good knitting crunch!

Tardy buttons. I ordered them in time, I thought, to be able to bring them to The Point last weekend. They showed up on Monday, once I was already home. Oh well. Good news: If you're at Rhinebeck, come see me! I'll be handing them out then.

Okay, back to work! I'll see the locals at LK tonight!