Monday, September 18, 2006

this blog post has no title

Or I could just call it three days in New York, but that'd be lame.

It's all photos all the time around here at the knittyBlog, so let's get to it! I am not as good on the names as the beloved Harlot is, so if I have you misnamed or unnamed, please leave me a comment so I can fix it!

The Point, my home base for three days of knitting, merriment, quiche and great knitters.

Like Olive, who came all the way from Westchester in such traffic!, and I'm glad she did.

The Point, including a giggling Ravi. You'll see a lot of Ravi. I did. :-)

All hail Maura. This woman, she knits more beautifully than anyone I've ever met. [Sorry, everyone else.] Her work is flawless. Look at this gorgeous thing she knit from a recent issue of VK. She told me she added the matching patterning to the sleeves. I just wanted to touch it, and of course couldn't. But at least I have a picture.

It's Ravi again, with the first thing she showed me that impressed my pants off: the Manresa legwarmers converted to sleeves of a to-be-completed sweater. I have instructed Ravi that it is her duty to start a blog so we can all see how this sweater turns out.

It's Kate! I owed her a huge hug and got to deliver. Did you hear her essay about her Norwegian sweater on the most recent Cast-on? So cool. Hi, Kate!

Meet Veronique, whose work you may soon see the pages of Knitty. Look at her blog and you'll see why.

This is Andrew. He introduced himself by saying, "Hi, I'm Andrew. And thanks for ruining my life." He then proceeded to show me an almost-complete Leo -- the front and sleeves are done, and okay, so he's knitting the back for the 2nd time...suck it up, dude! -- and say it will never be complete. Look at Kate's blog and you'll see how much progress he made on the weekend. Andrew also was kind enough to take me to Soho, back to Balthazar so I could stock up on granola for the hub, who loves it enough for me to cart it back on planes for him. He also took me to a great bookstore, told me about a book I have to read [but may never find a copy of] and watched me go mad at Kinokuniya. Andrew needs to come to Toronto. The LK s&b girls would love him.

Ravi and her new macbook. I believe this is the only time I saw her NOT knitting. She brought the computer to The Point, thinking she'd get some work done. With me around? Ha!

Okay, so after Kinokuniya, foots were fried, and I had bags of stuff to offload, so I -- after a 30-minute search -- lucked into the fastest cabdriver [no, really] in Manhattan. I took a peek at his license, and had to record for posterity. He is a very nice man. No jokes.

We passed the home of Project Runway! Eee!

There's an IFC movie theatre in NY. Sigh.

Then the pictures stop momentarily, as I met Kay for dinner at her favorite former-neighborhood hangout for some killer tamales and a mojito so overflowing with muddled mint that my straw became permanently clogged with it. I surrendered. Kay and I meant to meet up the next day and take photos [because Flayland doesn't seem the place to be blogging yourself], and then we never did. But she was there, she was charming and I always love hanging with Kay. She also gave me a token which will be coveted by all blog readers. You'll see it tomorrow.

First thing I saw at the Knitout was this beautiful fresh-off-the-needles tattoo. She'd covered it with Polysporin and glitter. A glittery tattoo. I just had to snap it [sorry it's not as clear as I thought it was].

The Point's booth.

Booths everywhere, knitters with bags, grabbing whatever free swag is to be had. Mostly patterns, some coupons, and some other fun stuff. The line for the free pair of Clover needles was beyond comprehension, especially since it was over 80 degrees and sunny.

My No Sheep publisher's booth. I love Interweave.

Stephanie at the Storey booth. Stephanie offered me the loan of her Stashweasel to help spread the Harlot-public-appearance-signing mojo. Due to its woollyness, I had to pass, but got hand-to-hand mojo instead. It worked very well. Thank you, Steph! You might have heard this a time or two before, but you do rock quite hard.

Then I got to put the mojo to good use and sign stuff, hand out Knitty stickers and meet people at The Point's booth. First, this gorgeous woman in her gorgeous Honeymoon Cami.

Look! It's Val from the Knitty Coffeeshop, and her new seasilk creation!

Look at this sexy Orangina!

This is my sweet Regina and her even-sweeter children. [Shut up, ovaries. I said no.] I got to spend a little time with all of them, and it was really, really nice.

Dang, you can't really see them on her, but Carol made these perfect tiny knitted sock earrings. Here -- go to her website and you can see them better and buy a kit, if you're in the mood. So very cool. She calls them Los Lobe! [I could plotz.]

That's my bubbie, Helane, who owns The Point. I love this woman.

An almost-done sock monkey hat!

I loved this woman's necklace -- a kabbalistic jewish star -- three-dimensional and really amazing. She bought it in Israel. Has anyone ever seen one on this continent?

Pomatomus knee socks! Love them!

These are the hot chicas from the Knitty Coffeeshop. Damn, I have fine readers, don't I?

God, I love this sweater. I'm sorry I didn't shoot it from above, which is always a better angle for us boob girls, but I was stuck behind a table. So what -- you are gorgeous!

This is how much people love the Harlot. It was about seven million degrees [celsius] and the audience was packed to see the fashion show, but mostly [if you ask me] to hear the Harlot's commentary.

Volunteers teaching kiddos to knit.

Jenn had, hands down, the best hair at the Knitout. Always does, that girl. Hi, Jenn!

What should go here is a picture of Michelle and I, both looking adorable and hugging or something. What I have is a picture of too many of my chins. I therefore reserve the right not to blog it. But do know that I had an amazing time with Michelle, got to snuggle with the famous Scout, and hang with her and her man and their new place in Brooklyn. God, I love Brooklyn.

Who is that? It's Cari and Thumper! This boy is so yummy, I nearly ate his head [see Cari's blog for evidence]. I got to see these guys twice in two days, which is a rare treat. I get how hard it is for new moms to be mobile when the babies run the show. Smooch, Cari!

Triple-smooch, Thumper!

And then I walked, slowly, in the shade, back to The Point. I love Washington Square Park. I just missed taking a pic of the yoga guys, especially the one dressed all in white with a sign tied to his toes that said "PEACE".

This hulahoop girl was amazing. I'll have a movie of her for you tomorrow.

Are you lucky enough to be able to shop at Faicco's? It smelled SO good, I took this pic to remember where it was for the next time Hub and I are there together.

And now the obligatory baked-goods photo essay. And no, I didn't go inside. Seriously. Am I nuts?

Always pack Birks when you go to New York.
I'll be back.