Monday, October 23, 2006

Rhinebeck 2006 in pictures

As Emma Jane said today, often during the weekend, we were too busy doing it to photograph it. Some of the most special moments aren't in my Flickr set, but a lot of good ones are. I've captioned them, so if you have a few minutes, at least you'll know what you're looking at when you see 'em.

Non-photographed highlights:
- finally seeing Leigh again. I have not a single picture of her, but her huge smile is burned in my brain. I haven't seen her look that happy since...I can't remember when. Leigh, you rock.

- when I pulled a spindle [a Grafton fibership that i'd mailordered months ago] out of my bag, proclaiming "the colors they're selling here are so much prettier than this one, so i want to sell it..." And Iris, who I finally got to meet, loved the colors exactly as they were. So SHE bought it from me.

- enabling both Leigh and Iris into spinning silk caps, via a purposeful visit to Shadeyside Fibers.

[I still prefer hankies to caps, btw, but hankies were in short supply this year, for some reason. Chasing Rainbows was there...with not a single bag of hankies. So I was *forced* to place an order with them to finish what I started last year. But I digress...]

- seeing more Clapotiseseses on more necks than I could count. Easily the number one most-seen knitted garment of the festival. Number two most-seen garment? Rogue, IMO.

- spending time with Tara Jon Manning, especially the quality time we had in her car, trying to get out of the Rhinebeck parking lot Saturday night. Wait till you see her new book! Yummmmmmmy.

There's more, but I'll save the what-i-got and the Morehouse Merino movies for tomorrow.


For some insane reason*, I'm flying [to visit my family] this Wednesday morning. Yes, the day of the Hadassah-Wizo Bazaar -- the number one reason it's cool to be self employed! And yes, the day of the post-Rhinebeck s&b at Lettuce Knit.

I'm kicking myself. Save some recap for me, guys. Snif.

*Of course I want to see my family! But why couldn't I have booked the ticket for Thursday instead? Doi doi doi.