Sunday, November 05, 2006

what to do with a day in LA?

Okay, it's not really a secret. I'm one of the people lined up for the December tapings of Knitty Gritty. Eep! We won't talk about nerves and stuff. I'm more nervous about the prep and about the cruelty of cameras than I am about actually doing the show.

But I do have a Saturday in the city to amuse myself and am not really sure what one does in LA without a car[I just booked a car, cheap. I can't bear the thought of being stuck in this big place with no way to get around]. I know NYC well enough not to be intimidated by just heading out and exploring, but I know almost nothing about LA, except that Suss and Knit Cafe are there...and what else mustn't I miss?

eta: I'm staying in Burbank because that's where they shoot the show. So Saturday morning, I'll get myself to LA. I'm spending the morning with my cousin Greg and his shweeet wife, Laurel, and then they're off to watch the USC/UCLA game at 1:30. So from 1:30 until my flight home at 10pm, I'm totally free. Any Knittyheads in the area up for a little yarn crawl? The chicken and waffles sound amazing, too. Yum.

As for seeing Knitty Gritty in Canada, no luck unless one of our cable channels picks it up. Start writing letters to HGTV, people! Do you have any idea how many cool people have been on that show? [No wonder I'm intimidated.]