Monday, December 11, 2006

well, then.

doc is just keeping an eye on me, that's all. ultrasound has been requested but she is not worried in the slightest, and she's very cautious, my doc.

so cautious that she stuck me twice: flu and twinrix [hepatitis vaccination] to make sure i don't get sick on my upcoming [this friday!] vacation south. consequently, i fell asleep on the couch upon returning home and am just now returning to consciousness.

also, when one is feeling melancholy, watching Rent is not necessarily the best choice. i'd never seen it before, and it was on the tivo, so i watched it. i feel like i should hug someone now.

[does anyone but me wonder why some of the lyrics in that musical were so brilliant and anything-but-cliche and some were so nauseatingly predictable that i needed to fast forward past them to keep from screaming? did two different people write the thing? i'm just asking.]

p.s. daniel craig naked, in a chair. oh. my.