Monday, February 19, 2007

this instead

Already on the needles, this sweater in exactly the same color as in the book.

I don't feel guilty in the slightest for not choosing another color. I picked the sweater to be in the book. And in this case, this one is just my taste. [Not everything in every book I work on or magazine issue I publish is my taste, or else no one would care for my work very much, I think. But this pink cably, lacy cardigan is just exactly what I hope to be wearing on cool spring nights. Clearly, I'm a delusional optimistic, but it's what I need to keep motivated.]

The yarn was sitting here after a quick delivery from Elann, so I swatched. Twice. Uncharacteristically for me, I had to go up one needle size to get gauge, but then I got it right on. I'm on row two of this big-ass project [it's back and fronts knit all at once, so it'll be slow going for a while] and I'm very fond of the yarn. It's well-behaved stuff, but not hard on the fingers. Looks really pretty in the twisted rib the designer called for.

Okay, back to BGK2 work, Knitty spring [it's coming, you know! Watch for it in March] and other stuff.

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