Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ahhhh, that's better

See, when you book a speaking engagement* in fall for the following March, it's hard to imagine that you might be producing an issue of Knitty at the same time. But that's just what I was doing.

Thankfully, this time, I had an extra special team behind me. Not only were Mandy and Steph and Jillian brilliant as usual. This time, hub also stepped in and did some geek magic. He spent a few weeks building a custom Knitty-code generator that makes programming pattern pages much more efficient for me. So this issue, big props to darling hub. You should see how well he understands knitting pattern language now!

I hope you like it. Me, I need a strongbow now. And maybe some more pink beret.

*p.s. I think it went well. The York guild is made up of charming members and a great executive and we talked non-woolly things all night. Special hi to the vegan knitter from out of town and her boyfriend. Let me know if you get to Gemini Fibres...I'm envious! I love that place!

p.p.s. sorry, LK folks. I really had meant to come tonight, but I've been at this nonstop for more than a week and I just crashed. Plus I do need to sit by the computer on live day to fix the little fixables that come up. I hope to come out for a Strongbow on Friday, though!
