Thursday, March 08, 2007

more synchronicity

Some of you have written about the similarity between our Queen of Cups pattern by Nathania and Cookie A's Mona.

What you guys probably don't know is that Nathania and Cookie are friends. Neither of them knew the other was working on such a sock and hadn't seen each other's FOs until I wrote them about this situation last night. Here's what Cookie has to say about the crazy coincidence:

"My Mona pattern was originally the exact same stitch pattern as Queen of Cups, but I knit it in STR Puck's Mischief to...submit to you! But I didn't like the way the STR pooled, so I ended up not submitting, it got too late, and I had my friend knit it in a solid color. Except I messed up the chart I sent to her which ended up being Mona instead of exactly the same as Nathania's. Now I'm really really glad I messed that up.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we had no idea the other person was working on almost exactly the same thing, are a bit weirded out, but I think are mostly laughing about it."
