Sunday, June 24, 2007

pride spreads

Been thinking about Pride a lot lately. I'm extremely proud to live in a country where people of every sexuality feel comfortable being themselves and have the same rights as everyone else in the country. Their pride is rubbing off on me.

Now, I'm not going to usurp Pride [with a capital P] for my own purposes, but as it's been half of my inspiration for a little shakeup in AmyKnitty world, I needed to mention it.

On Friday, AmyBoogie posted a link to this: A Fat Rant. A beautiful thing, created by Joy Nash, about something close to my heart [and muffintop]. This was the other half of the inspiration thingy. Joy says a lot of good stuff in this video, and if you haven't seen it yet, you must go. Now. Watch it all, and listen carefully. Because she's right.

Don't lecture me about how I co-wrote a book with Jillian about this stuff already. I totally believe in it, know it's right and can see it clearly for others. I just have trouble seeing this clearly for myself.

So screw it. Today I've been going around the web and updating my icon. Because although I am very fond of this picture, which shows me the night before I launched Knitty in 2002, full of optimism, excitement and much less muffintop... hasn't looked like what I see in the mirror for a while. It's been almost 5 years since that was taken and life goes on, dunnit?

This is me now.

I like this picture, too. I think Karen took it for me at the Knit Out in NY last fall. It was a good hair day and I'm smiling. This is me.

I heard the part about the fitness thing, too, Joy. Went kayaking yesterday. Working on it.

Okay, enough already. Back to work.

Happy Pride, Everyone!

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