Sunday, July 01, 2007

celebrating up the wazoo!

Fact: Yesterday was June 30, which means it's one year since I've been a happily self-employed magazine editor. I celebrated with a cantaloupe bubble tea and plowing through some Knitty work.

Fact: Today is Canada Day. In Toronto, a good portion of our population goes elsewhere on long weekends. What they leave behind is a quieter, more peaceful Toronto. Hub and I love it. [He also has a theory: those who leave for long weekends are the most stressed out and they make it a priority to own cottages or book campgrounds or whatever. So the people left in town are naturally calmer, happier drivers, all that rot. I just think it's the lack of congestion that makes us all happier. Never mind. It sure is nice in Toronto on long weekends.]

Fact: Happy Canada Day!
[that wasn't a fact, but I've established a style here and needed to go with it.]


Okay, never mind. So, what's up in Knitty editor world? Lots of good stuff.

I've just finished my silversmithy class, and was having pangs of withdrawal. I really am enjoying the class, the company [the other students are a blast] and especially our teacher, Sarah. My final projects are still in the tumbler, getting a nice, soft patina, so pics will come in a few days.

Sarah teaches many different classes. When hub and I were in her shop yesterday [to adjust the ring I made for him at the last class], her studio was full of people making their own wedding rings. How freaking cool is that? It's a special class she has for engaged couples. A guy and a girl were at the bench, banging away at theirs. Two guys were sitting at the bench, working on their set. God, I love Toronto. Anyway, very cool.

So I'm taking Sarah's lost-wax casting course next, starting this Tuesday. I'm doing it primarily because I have to fix my engagement ring. I somehow chipped the diamond a few years ago, and it needs to be recut [by a professional] and then reset. I can't afford to go back to Richard Booth [who does lovely work, but is now out of my price range] to have him fix it. Instead, I'm going to make my own setting [!!], Sarah will help me find a professional to recut the diamond to eliminate the chip, and another professional will do the final setting of the stone into the ring. I may hold my breath for the entire 6 weeks. Sarah is confident I can do it. Me, not so much.


Also, I'm nearly finished a little thing for summer Knitty. Don't faint. I can't tell you about it, but you'll see it later this month. :-)
