Tuesday, August 28, 2007

special friends

I think there's something in the water in Sunnyvale, CA. I actually cried when I left my new Sunnyvale friends at the curb at the airport last month. I really love these guys.

So you can imagine the huge lump of mush I turned into when a box arrived at my house yesterday, and it was from my Sunnyvale girls. Kelli, CJ, Kathy, Sandi, Nathania and Chloe sent me...well, look!

First, this bag. Which Kelli owned a twin of, and which I loudly and annoyingly coveted until she filled her car full of me and the rest of the crew and we went to buy one for me. And when I got there, I promptly remembered all the bags I have at home and chickened out, leaving it behind.

Turns out, they grabbed it when I wasn't looking and bought it for me. And when my innards exploded, they filled it full of yarn, Jujyfruits and my very first pair of Addi Lace [!] turbos and sent it to me as a get well gift. [I popped on the scrabble stitch marker that Caro gave me in Austin and it suits it perfectly. Thanks, Caro!]

What's that?

Two of my favorite yarns in the world. On the left, Artful Yarns Fable [cotton/silk] and on the right, the only bling yarn I covet, and covet so deeply that I might have just a few skeins in other colors already in my stash: Blue Heron Rayon Metallic in BLUEBERRY, which I didn't have and DEEPLY LOVE. The whole bag is full of purple, and everyone at the shop is all about the purple, so this couldn't be a more special reminder of my special friends.

I love you all. Thank you. And a special thank you to Kelli, who arranged the whole shipping thing. Why the hell don't you women live closer? Think of the trouble we could get into on a regular basis!

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