Monday, November 12, 2007

going home.

well, i'm done teaching for the year. good timing -- i have totally lost my voice. seems that's going around, and i didn't help myself by talking nonstop for 3 days [only some of that was for work :-) ].

teaching at Threadbear was a blast, only superceded by hanging out with the Threadbear boys at their house. they are superb hosts and really, really nice guys. and the funny? big with the funny.

so i'm sitting on Jillian's couch, and will have to get myself together in a while and drive back home. i'm currently waiting for Fedex to bring my passport, which i brilliantly left on the dining room table instead of taking with me. lucky i managed to be allowed into the US, but there's no chance the Canadians would let me back in without my magic permanent resident card.

see you on the flip side!