Thursday, November 08, 2007

Who won the calendar contest?

It was harder than ever to pick this year's winners. We had so many great entries!

Our grand prize winner this year is Amelia Hajda. Her simple, perfect picture exactly encapsulates winter in my mind [and might make you reach for a pair of mittens!]. Her winning entry is on the cover and on the page for December. Amelia wins a ridiculously huge box of goodies from the Knitty review cabinet, including yarn, knitting books and other surprises. I may need a forklift to get it to the post office!

Here are the rest of the winners:
January: Alicia Ramirez
February: Sarah Wilkin
March: Jo Kerrigan
April: Flora Wermuth
May: Jenny Spencer
June: Suzie Putnam
July: Heidi Kastner
August: Angela Daff and her bunnies!
September: Lindsey LaPlant
October: Angela Moore
November: Jennifer Schmitz

Each of these runner-up winners will receive a copy of the calendar, fresh from the shop! Take a peek at all the calendar images there!

The honorable mention gallery will be posted in a week or so, and there are some wonderful images there, too. Knitty readers clearly have talent beyond their needles.


The full fall surprise just went live as well. Big day around here!


Meanwhile, I'm off [stop laughing] to Ann Arbor today to see Jillian, her hub and her kiddos [my honorary niece and nephew], and to teach some classes at the hallowed halls of Threadbear. The Tuscany class is pretty much full, but there may be a spot or two if you'd like to learn about the No Sheep stuff with me this Sunday. Call Rob or Matt at the shop and they'll let you know if you can sneak in.


Last night, Denny surprised me when I thought I was surprising her with my sweater. I want to write fully about this surprise, so I have to hold off for a bit. But I promise pictures when I do post. [It was a REALLY HAPPY surprise.]

Maybe I can ask Jillian to snap a pic or two of me in the finished Artfibers sweater, too. This could be dangerous. :-)


Okay, I've gotta pack! What am I doing blogging at a time like this?

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