Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 recap in pictures and short phrases...

...because why not, really?

I'm a little stunned at all that's gone on this year, now that I'm looking back. It certainly explains the current state of my house.

No Sheep for You was published [and I got my preview copy + chocolate early in the year.]

I got to hang, briefly, with the Purlesence girls while at the big knitting trade show, TNNA.

I bought my first Habu kit, which is still in this exact state [though Henry has grown] because my brain can't process the pattern.

Cupcakes came to the beach. I have visited Life is Sweet many times since then.

I finished a sweater and started a new one.

Jillian and I had the final photoshoot for More Big Girl the cupcake shop, of course!

The year of speaking engagements/travel began at the DKC!

I got to do Breakfast Television again with the sexiest models ever!

I finally got to visit The Fold and my head exploded.

I re-visited the KW Knitters' Guild and managed not to faint in front of Sally Melville and Debbie New this time. Progress!

Loopy Yarn love in Chicago!

Jillian and I made a pilgrimage to the homeland of her heart...Hill Country Weavers in Austin, TX. I fell in love with the place, despite the shvitz factor.

I knit with steel.

I crocheted. And liked it. Haven't done it since, though.

I discovered Zulugrass and met the kickass Scout on her home turf [Albuquerque] where she dyed me some matching yarn.

I bent sterling silver.

Hub put the dead cedar hedge out of its misery.

Massimo the Vespa joined our family, a gift from Grandma.

The next three sort of blur together in a delicious happy memory:

Bainbridge Island, Washington

Portland, Oregon

The Purlescence girls of Sunnyvale, CA, show me San Francisco and, most importantly...

No picture here. My gallbladder and I broke up, permanently.

While I was healing, Hub had a fence put in our backyard to replace the hedge.

I healed quickly enough to visit Loop in Philadelphia!

I went to SOAR and so did Denny! I can now spin yarn that I'm proud to show off!

Hub and I went to Oslo, Norway, and finally met Theresa!

Hub and I went to London, England!

And then it got nice and quiet. It's been, as you can see, an incredible year. Actually, rather more mind-blowing in retrospect. I have Flickr albums full of memories, many more blogs to follow of new friends met all over the world, and now, one last thing.

One of my favorite things about Norway was...the bedding. Really. Everyone gets their own duvet, even in a shared bed. And in the morning, you get up and fold it in half [the long way] and it looks so very Scandinavian and insanely tidy with zero effort. I loved it. No trying to fluff a huge king-sized duvet. No fighting for covers. Then Theresa made new duvet covers and that was it. I was lost:

I ordered us a pair of basic twin duvets [no, not the Icelandic Eiderdown at $2900/ea -- try the Anniversary]. We didn't get each other presents for whatever holiday it is we're celebrating this time of year, so dang it, we could have them. I have enough Amy Butler fabric and vintage linen put aside to make two perfect covers. And sewing two twin covers well seems much more achievable than sewing one huge king-sized cover, though I could probably have done it...badly.

Guess what I'll be doing this week?

Happy new year, everyone!

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