Wednesday, December 26, 2007

FINALLY! progress!

remember this? i just now, at the end of December, got to the separation of the back from the two fronts. i started it in March. clearly i lost steam somewhere around albuquerque.

every row is so damned long [this sweater is knit in one piece to the armholes] and though it's an easy stitch pattern to remember, it's not as mindless or quick as the stuff i usually choose. still, i do love the fabric and picturing actually wearing the thing is keeping me going.

so yes. i'm at the point where i just knit a front or the back and leave the others on holders. while i was shopping at Husfliden in Oslo, i found a freakinghuge stitch holder which was [Theresa and i guessed] for weaving. it was just a few dollars so i bought it. it handily, as i hoped it would, holds an entire back's worth of stitches on it with no scrunching.

pictures tomorrow, perhaps. right now, i'm spent with the excitement of it all.

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