Thursday, February 21, 2008

home, lucky, sleepy, sick.

snippits of what might be a reasonably boring blog post, if i had the energy to write it:

- turbulence: i hate it. sat in row 40 of a 41-row plane on the tampa-detroit leg and was terrified for the first 30 minutes. the plane verily waggled side to side. not exaggerating. then the pilot got us high enough that it wasn't a problem again for the rest of the flight.

- lucky: because the cold hit full force the morning i left Florida, and i only read this after i got home. i'm lucky that my ears recovered as we landed, instead of bleeding or staying permanently blocked or exploding or something. but man, it did hurt for the 3 hours in the air.

- sleepy: thanks to dayquil/nyquil, my new best friends. i was able to work today thanks to the magical orange capsules of happiness

- sick: obviously.

but the trip was great and i'm glad i got good pictures so that i'll remember it once i'm coherent again.

right now, the best thing in the whole world, besides boeing's incredible shrinking bladder stone [seriously -- hub took her in again because she was acting odd this morning and the xray showed the stone is now half the size it was...which means it's going away on its own. weird, magical. we're thankful. and she stopped acting weird.] is OUR BED. and the duvets.

i'm going there now. see ya.

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