Tuesday, June 10, 2008

happy birthday to my favorite girl

It's the day Jillian was born! It's also the day she popped out her first sprog* [my darling nearly niece]! It is a day for worldwide celebration!

Without Jillian, there would be no Knitty. She's been the other half of my brain for longer than I can remember. [That sounds like a joke, but really isn't.] We've written books together and still love each other. She's also the most fun best friend a girl could have. Ever.

So [since she rarely posts on her blog], please leave a little note of love for her in the comments to this post. Some of you have met her in person, but even those who haven't have felt her skill and prowess [ooh!] if you read Knitty on a regular basis.

*"popping a sprog" is a delightful east-coast Canadian expression which sounds kind of rude but isn't, therefore it makes me giggle.

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