Monday, November 03, 2008

in aid of election eve/day harmony, Cat Bordhi stylee

Cat Bordhi sent me a note today that pointed all of us to her online Moebius tutorial [above] as a metaphor for unity. In her e-mail, she wrote, "...I hope that you will be able to send it on to knitting friends as it may bring peace to them during the next few days, regardless of their political viewpoints. And it may help support the world to regain a sense of grace and true humanity."

If you have never done a Cat Bordhi-style moebius, never tried to learn her unique and brilliant [but potentially intimidating until you actually DO it] cast on, you now have no excuse not to give it a shot. The video above will help you get there.

To read her whole message including design and yarn suggestions, click here. For those who like it short and sweet, here's what I think is the pithiest bit:
So - here is why the Moebius is a perfect expression of the best of humanity, and the healing of the fractured country and world that I trust is coming:

1. The Moebius *appears* to have two surfaces and two edges - ie, polarities such as black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, Republican and Democrat - but when you follow the surface around you will run right into your starting point without ever having changed to the other "side." For there isn't one. Everything flows into itself. Polarities are an illusion. What lies beneath the apparent polarities is oneness, beauty, and grace. In a Moebius you can see it, hold it, be awed by it. Once the frenzy dies down, hopefully those with opposing views will slowly rediscover their common humanity.
I love how Cat's brain works. How lucky we are to have her as one of us.

I'll be casting on a new moebius tonight. Who's with us?

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