Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Attention Arizona fiber friends!

This has been so long in coming [we started planning last summer] that it's hitting me as surreal...but in 2 weeks, I'm going to be teaching in Tucson!

Why did we choose February? Because that's the month when Northerners feel most comfortable. I almost melted in the blast-furnace beauty of Albuquerque in June a few years ago, so I have learned my lesson. :-) Temperature this week: 75F. Heaven.

I'll be teaching loads of classes at Purls Tucson, hanging with Old Pueblo Knitters, spinners and weavers, and it's all going to be a crazy blur of a week.

There are more events listed in the schedule of the Tucson Handweavers and Spinners Guild, including the No Sheep lecture, the booksigning at Purls Tucson, and a Spin-In [!] at Kiwi Knitting Company.

I'm really excited! I also get to spend time with my friend Heather and her family, which is a significant bonus.

If you've wanted to take any of my classes and are in driving distance of Tucson, now's a good time to sign up! I can't wait to meet y'all!


Boy, do I need a pedicure.

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